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Garnacha, the trendy wine


If the script is good, the actors believable, and the story captivating, it doesn't matter how long the movie lasts. What's important is to have a good outcome and that it pleases the viewer. In these wines, we find a grape that requires careful elaboration, with maceration time and cold, whose result are authentic blockbusters.

Try them and, as if you were a film critic, give them your own rating.


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Top blendings


Imagine a DJ at their mixing console, fine-tuning each song to create a unique experience. In the same way, winemakers look for the perfect blend of different grape varieties. It's not about hiding flaws, but about creating a mix of flavors that results in a more complex and harmonious wine. It's an art, just like music. In this tasting kit, you'll find 3 of the world's best blends. 
Put on some great music and enjoy with our blind tasting!


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Tasting Classic Old Europe Red Wines


Without the need to declare war, we can affirm that certain European wines are today authentic world references. Just as Louis XIV, the Sun King, made France the country of elegance and innovation, we must acknowledge certain wines as having been pioneers in their time and elegant classics today.

Don't miss these wines that are part of European viticultural history!

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Most famous Whites all around the world


Like the great voices that from time to time burst forth, reveal themselves and eclipse the musical universe, so are the wines that this kit includes. Because there is no greater lie than that of "the best white wine is the worst red," we present a selection of iconic white wines from wine-growing areas that are ideal for growing white grapes which, when worked by expert hands, result in wines that are true gems.

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Wines made up by women


Sometimes they fly. Other times, they are in several places at once. They possess a keen sense of smell, a developed taste, and an analytical gaze. Without the need for a cape or Batmobile, the superheroes of wine take action: the female winemakers. Great women who, breaking barriers, have proven their great worth at the helm of major wineries, producing exceptional wines and serving as inspiration to many others. 

Join this extraordinary wine universe!

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